Register Now
Summer Registration is online (we have built in 1 bonus class for your convenience) and registration is open for either a 6 Week Semester or a 5 Week Semester.
Class fee for the Summer 6 Week Semester is $128 (fee for siblings over 9 months is $68 - Monday classes are $113 and Saturday classes are $58 for siblings). There is a one-time new family fee of $18.
You can register by phone at (973) 945-2828, online below or mail the form in with your check, payable to Merry Musicians at 5 Cornell Drive, Succasunna, NJ 07876.
If you want to create a class of 6 friends, call (973) 945-2828 to see if we can accommodate your request.
Continuing this Spring:
If you bring a baby (8 months and younger) as a sibling to a Mixed Age Class, you can also attend a Babies Class (without your older child) for FREE. Just indicate that you are joining us for the Babies Class in the comment section of the below form.
Contact us if you or you spouse is currently in the military for discounted pricing!
Please email us if you would like information on Birthday Party Packages. We can cater to you in your own home or at one of our locations.